Millersville Elementary School
MES School-Wide Grading Policy
Purpose – Grading occurs within classrooms to provide a pure representation of a student’s level of mastery of standards to all stakeholders involved in the student’s academic plan.
The following policies and practices will reinforce this purpose:
Zero Policy - Every effort will be made to insure that all students complete assignments. This will include a loss of privileges for students that fail to maintain their proper responsibilities for completing assigned classwork and homework. Work assignments must be completed at all levels of education and in life.
Graded Items Policy - Teachers will only grade assignments that represent a student’s independent ability to illustrate mastery or progress towards mastery. Some classwork and all homework items that are practice will be assessed formatively by the teacher. Unit assessments and other summative assessments may be weighted more as they are a better representation of a student’s mastery of a standard.
Re-do Policy - When a student completes an assessment that does not accurately represent the student’s level of mastery towards a standard, the teacher may provide the student with re-do opportunities. The number of re-do opportunities on a single assessment will be determined by the classroom teacher and/or support team on a case-by-case basis. The grade assigned will be the most recent score. For K-2 students, before the standard is reassessed the teacher will provide more instruction and student will have more practice opportunities.
Extra Grade Opportunities - Teachers may provide extra grade opportunities to produce a more pure representation of a student’s level of mastery towards a standard. Extra credit points should be held to a minimum and must be directly related to a standard.
Late Work Policy - Late work will be accepted without a grading penalty. Student will receive consequences by a loss of privileges and re-teaching of study habits to reinforce the importance of completing assignments on time.
Homework Policy – Homework will be used as practice and review. Homework will be checked, discussed, and used as a tool for instruction. Homework supports the reinforcement of standards taught. Daily homework should not exceed 30 minutes in grades K-2 and 45-minutes in grades 3-5. Homework should be provided as intentional practice at a level that ensures student success.